Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Going dark

Perhaps there isn't much more to dredge up. Or maybe there is. Of course all of this never happened. This is all just the diary of a present day mad man. The only persons who need read this are those who occurred in it. But as it is all just a fiction my mind has made up for some elaborate reason you are wasting your time reading this. Unless of course what I wrote is about you. But it isn't. But if it is then I do want to hear from you. Which was the point of this entire blogette from the get-go. But we both know you don't exist anymore than these recorded moments existed.
So what is it like to live with such fantasies of the mind. Mostly I just battle keeping a grip on reality with a form of tinnitus that comes and goes and drives me bat shit cuckoo when it kicks into gear like a Cuban embassy office in my head. I should just blame that on these spooks but real or not I like them too much. Need and needed them. I now see them as trans-dimensional types - they are gone now and now I am too far gone to matter. Like my house and neighborhood I too am long past my use by date. Expired. Retired. Forgotten.

Cold cased as I am...

And now having lost my mind I don't know what is real or what was real. I no longer know if what I long for - a reunion of sorts is even possible if this is all just the fragmentary remains of a shattered mind and life. If all that I have written didn't happen then I have to doubt even if I am writing this or if it is in fact writing itself.